Saturday, June 27, 2020

Forgotten Magic Anthology

Forgotten Magic Anthology Book Description: In the first two Magic Underground anthologies, our heroes faced the seen, the unseen, and the wayward in order to save us all. These same characters now find themselves in a continuing world of trouble because as we know, life can be dangerous! Forgotten Magic (Magic Underground Book III) concludes these characters’ stories in a breathtaking way as they face betrayal, family, and of course, magic. The stakes are deadly and growing deadlier by the moment! Inside you’ll find stories...
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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Father's Day and a Linky

We celebrated Father's Day last Sunday. Since we're still in lockdown in South Africa, we stayed home and spoiled a well deserving husband and father to our four kids. My hubby is always there for us. He's a rock that we can lean. I made a fruit salad and crustless quiche for breakfast. For my quiche filling (the one cup of optional ingredients), I added an overflowing cup of cooked bacon and potato with finely chopped fresh green bell pepper. For lunch (to have with our soup), Samantha baked artisanal bread. It's a no knead...
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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Life With Dogs During Lockdown and a Linky

Here are some more photos of us hanging out with our dogs in the front yard during lockdown. These photos were taken before it turned colder. We're in winter now below the Equator. It's nice having my university daughters home during South Africa's extended lockdown. The South African school system runs on a calendar year, so my kids are in the middle of their school year. Amanda, who is in Grade 6, will start back at school this week. They will rotate the kids in 2 groups to come every other day to keep the classrooms at half capacity....
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Friday, June 12, 2020

Happy Moms, Happy Homes

Happy Moms, Happy Homes Empowering Moms to Live in Victory by Christina A. Morley About the Book: Title: Happy Moms, Happy Homes | Author: Christina A. Morley | Pages: 174 | Genre: Christian Inspirational Book Description: Feeling Stressed-Out, Left-Out, or Maxed-Out? Don't Miss-Out! During times of stress, loneliness, financial difficulty, or whatever troubles life may bring, moms can still lead a victorious life in Christ. This book is sympathetic to moms and the challenges they face, offering tools to overcoming their...
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Friday, June 5, 2020

Forest of Firelight

Forest of Firelight About the Book: Title: Forest of Firelight (The Riven Kingdoms Book 1) | Author: Shari L. Tapscott | Pages: 304 | Genre: Fantasy Romance | Recommended Ages: Young Adult and Up Book Description: From the author of The Silver & Orchids Series comes a breathtaking tale of two kingdoms torn apart by magic and the star-crossed lovers who set upon a perilous journey to reunite them before they fall into ruin. Enter the world of The Riven Kingdoms. After the sudden death of her brother, Princess...
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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Birthday Girl and a Linky

This beautiful girl turned 22 today! Jessica is our oldest daughter. She’s smart, athletic, and kind. She has multiple interests, but I think her kind heart is her biggest strength. She’s good with people, including young kids and the elderly. She’s truly a blessing to others. This year has been tough on her with having to do her studies from home while South Africa is on lockdown. It’s her second year studying Industrial Psychology at the University of Cape Town (UCT), but she has also completed a 2-year Accountancy certificate...
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