Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Blue and White Flowers and a Linky

These gorgeous blue and white (plumbago) flowers are from my garden. I can see them from my kitchen window. I'm not at home though. We are on South Africa's West Coast visiting Amanda's grandparents. She has a one-week school holiday. (Amanda is featured in the hiking photo below.)*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Hiking in the Breede Valley ***************************This Evening's Sunset View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tina Morley (@tinarobmorley) ***************************Embers,...
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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Stunning Sunset and a Linky

Here are photos of our most recent stunning sunset. Last week I shared pics of a phenomenal sunset from earlier this month. I have actually captured so many gorgeous sunsets that I am unable to share them all with you. I'm also taking photos of flowers in our garden and birds that visit, so I'll want to make room to share those too. It's getting harder and harder to decide which photos to share each week since I keep accumulating more! Which photos do you enjoy seeing most on the blog - sunsets, flowers, birds, pets, or my family? *************************** Here's...
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Friday, April 16, 2021

Embers, Dreams, and Dustfire

Did you know that it's National Poetry Month in the US ? And, Janeen Ippolito has just released a brand new anthology of poems! Embers, Dreams, and Dustfire has 45 poems organized into three segments of 15, written to encourage, release, and inspire. Some of the poems are openly Christian. If you order a signed paperback, then you'll also receive a poetry sticker and card as featured below.Here's the Book's Blurb:outlasting the fire around me I breathe out the fire within me and stand and soar A poetry anthology of hope, joy,...
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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Phenomenal Sunset and a Linky

We had a phenomenal sunset last night, Monday, April 12th. The first few photos were taken from my balcony. I put on my walking shoes and tried to get more shots from the veld. I was a few minutes late at capturing the full effect, but these photos show enough to give you a good idea. If I had known that the pastel sky was going to turn neon, I would have left the house sooner. I didn't use any filters to enhance the colors. These pics are straight from my camera.*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Lunch...
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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Easter Weekend and a Linky

My mother-in-law baked us this decadent chocolate cake for Easter! It really made the weekend extra special, especially since we didn't go anywhere. It was just the three of us at home (me, Hubby, and Amanda). We had really nice sunny days and even enjoyed a BBQ (braai) Sunday evening.*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Lunch at Angala ***************************Cloud Formation View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tina Morley (@tinarobmorley) ***************************My...
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