I have posted photos of this teddy bear blanket and its sayings on my Berenstain Bears Book Review.
If you missed the adoption photos of our new kitty, they are posted on my Picture Perfect Party Linky #14.
Linking with:

Now on to my blog hop...

Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or without words) or any picture post at this Picture Perfect Party Linky (P.P.P.L.)! Come join me (Tina @ Amanda's Books and More) on this fun and easy blog hop! If you are already following me with Google Friend Connect, then how about following me on Google+ and Twitter or liking me on Facebook too. Thanks!
I'm looking for bloggers who would like to be guest co-hosts on my Wednesday hop and on my Saturday hop. If you're interested, then please send an email to: morleychristina[at]gmail[dot]com
Here are the easy rules:
- Follow me on link 1. Please leave a comment so that I can follow back (as long as your blog is family friendly).
- Link-up your post with a picture and follow as many new blogs as you like. Make sure you let them know that you’re following through this P.P.P.L. hop, tell them how you are following them and add your URL to the message, so they can follow back.
- Grab the button below and add it on your post or on your side-bar, so that we can spread the word and get more people to the party.
- Share about this hop on Twitter, Google+ or Facebook.
The Button Code:
This is a blog hop.