Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #25

Animals for AdoptionMany of you know that we have been looking and praying for our lost kitten, Tabitha. In the meantime, we went ahead and got another kitten. You can see photos and read about her on my post, "A New Kitten." One of the places we went in search of Tabitha was at the SPCA where she was originally from. I took these photos of their latest canine strays that are waiting for good homes. I didn't have time to get pictures of the cats and kittens, and there were plenty of kittens. I hope these pictures will inspire you to...
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Sunday, January 27, 2013

A New Kitten

We have been so sad not having a kitten in the house, that we adopted another one yesterday. The lady had three kittens and was giving two of them away. We got the last one. We've named her Sheela and it means "musical." Amanda came up with the name all on her own and Samantha decided on the spelling of it after looking it up in my baby name book. Our new kitten has had her vaccinations and de-worming medication, but she's not used to people. She's a bit wild, which is not what we were expecting. However, she's very cute and we all...
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Friday, January 25, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #24

Everyone at our home is sad. Tabitha, the kitten, has been missing since Tuesday 22 Jan. 2013. Every morning and evening we've gone on walks looking for her and calling her name. I also phoned the SPCA on the second day that she didn't come home, but she hasn't been picked up or brought in. Today we put up posters with her picture and our contact info. at the SPCA, the vets, pet shops, and the main grocery stores with community boards. We also placed some flyers in mailboxes. We want to do more tomorrow, but we're tired and sad. So...
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #24

This has been a rough few days for at least three of us. I've been sick. Some of you might have seen my message on my Facebook page. Monday morning I went to see the doctor and she said I didn't look too good. It's nothing serious, only my stomach felt terrible for days, I also had a cold and fever. So, with some simple medication and antibiotics, I am on the mend. Samantha's kitten, Tabitha, had her own ordeal. One night she didn't come home. Early the next morning our neighbor saw Samantha calling for it and showed her a kitten in...
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Friday, January 18, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #23

Here is my first attempt at taking part in the 5 Minute Friday writing prompt. I confess, I did edit and I did backtrack. I even went over by 3 minutes, but I was interrupted for a moment, so maybe that’s not too serious. I hope I’ll be able to follow all the rules next time. Today’s word is… Cherished My youngest daughter is cherished. She came at a time when I wasn’t ready to be pregnant a fourth time around. I had three kids who were growing up and finding their independence. I was starting to dream again about the things that interest...
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #23

Amanda took swimming lessons before Christmas. She had eight 30-minute lessons over two weeks. When she started, she was scared to get her face wet, even though we have a pool and she loves the water. The first year of her life, whenever I washed her hair, she would scream and scream until we were finished. I always tried to make bath time fun and would also hold a cloth above her eyes so that the water wouldn't run down, but she would still scream. Look how much fun she's having in these photos! You'll see in the one picture, her...
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Friday, January 11, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #22

Today I want to share with you my One Word for 2013. It's "SHOUT." This word defines me in many ways. I sometimes shout at my kids and have to apologize. But that's not what I'm aiming at with this word for 2013. I've said in my profile that my pen is my pulpit. With my writing, I share things from my heart. Some of those things are big and some are small. I want to use my writing for good. If I can make someone smile, or encourage someone who is down, or speak up for those who have no voices, then I'm doing what I set out to do....
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