Samantha's kitten, Tabitha, had her own ordeal. One night she didn't come home. Early the next morning our neighbor saw Samantha calling for it and showed her a kitten in their lemon tree. They passed Hubby a ladder and he brought a very unhappy kitten out of the tree. This photo was taken of her sleeping soon after being safely rescued.
This past week, Amanda has been sleeping in Jessica's room and sharing her big sister's double bed with her. She likes it there and doesn't want to go back to her bed. Even after this happened...
That is what happens when a four year-old climbs out of bed in the morning and a fourteen year-old has momentarily placed her hot curling iron on the carpet. Thankfully, I arrived immediately on the scene and quickly applied wet ice wrapped in paper towel, because Jessica didn't realize how bad it was. Amanda is doing well.
So, that has been our week. I'm sorry if you've left me a comment in the past few days and I haven't replied. I'll try my best.
Now on to my blog hop...

Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or without words)
or any picture post at this Picture Perfect Party Linky (P.P.P.L.)! Come join me
(Tina @ Amanda's Books and More) on this fun and easy blog hop!
If you host your own blog hop(s), then feel free to link them on my Blog Hops page!
If you're interested to be a guest co-host
on my Wednesday hop or my Saturday hop,
please send an email to:
I would love for you to follow me on Google Friend Connect
and also on
Leave me a comment with a link and I will follow back!
Here are the easy rules:
- Follow me. Please leave a comment so that I can follow back (as long as your blog is family friendly).
- Link-up your post with a picture and follow as many new blogs as you like. Make sure you let them know that you’re following through this P.P.P.L. hop, tell them how you are following them and add your URL to the message, so they can follow back.
- Grab the button below and add it on your post or on your side-bar, so that we can spread the word and get more people to the party.
- Share about this hop on Twitter, Google+ or Facebook.
The Button Code:
This is a blog hop.