Sunday, December 22, 2019

Snowfall and Mistletoe

Snowfall and Mistletoe About the Book: Title: Snowfall and Mistletoe | Author: Michelle Pennington | Pages: 167 | Genre: Clean Romance Book Description: Snowed in with the one woman he can't have. Gavin's life was orderly and successful—until he fell for the same woman his boss wanted. When the owner of the company forbids employees from dating, Gavin knows it's just because he doesn't want any competition for Holly's affections. If it was just his job on the line, Gavin would have shrugged and gone for it, but...
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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Christmas Market and a Linky

The girls and I recently visited the yearly Christmas market held inside a church hall in our town. We bought Christmas cards and gifts and mostly just had fun looking at everything. These photos were taken with my phone's camera. This is my last blog hop for the year. I'll leave the linky open until next year. It's been great having you visit my blog and I've enjoyed reading your comments! Wishing you a blessed December and New Year! I'll be doing one more Christmas book review later this week, so be sure to come back and check...
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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Aria's Christmas Wish

Aria's Christmas Wish About the Book: Title: Aria's Christmas Wish | Author: Victorine E. Lieske | Pages: 151 | Genre: Clean Romance Book Description:  Kendra hears him on the radio every day and sees him in her daughter’s eyes every night. If only she could get him out of her heart. All Kendra wants to do is get through the holidays and figure out what her daughter wants for Christmas. When Jacob comes back to her small town for Christmas, Kendra is terrified he’s going to break her heart all over again. But...
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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Paraglider and Planes with a Linky

We saw this paraglider from our balcony at the beginning of December. We were wondering if he was being blown off course, because he was getting so high up and didn't seem to have a plan. However, he knew exactly what he was doing, because after spinning around for a bit, he chose his destination and landed at an event on one of the school's sports fields. We also spotted a white glider (sailplane) being pulled up by a little red plane at the same time. These planes are a common sight, but not the paraglider! I'm often taking photos...
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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Britfield and the Lost Crown

Britfield and the Lost Crown About the Book: Title: Britfield and the Lost Crown | Author: C.R. Stewart | Publisher: Devonfield Publishing LLC | Pages: 361 | Genre: Historical Fiction | Recommended Ages: 9 and Up Book Description: Enter the World of Britfield: Adventure, Intrigue, Conspiracy, Mystery, and Suspense! Tom has spent the majority of his life locked behind the cruel walls of Weatherly Orphanage, but when he learns that his parents might actually be alive, Tom is determined to find them. Together, with his best...
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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

An Expat Thanksgiving and a Linky

We try to do something special every Thanksgiving, but since it's not a holiday celebrated in South Africa, we often have to compromise. We invited our neighbor and she said it was her first Thanksgiving. Our son couldn't make it, becaus he was working. Also, this year we were having a heat wave and so we decided to eat only cold food. That meant that we roasted the turkey the night before. Also, my husband said there was only one brand of turkey at the grocery store, so next year we'll try a different grocery chain store to see...
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