Tuesday, September 29, 2020

An Ever-Changing Sunrise Part 1 and a Linky

Last Friday morning I captured the most beautiful sunrise. I shared the photos that I took with my phone on Instagram, but I also took photos with my Canon PowerShot that I'm sharing here on the blog. The best part of the sunrise lasted for about half-an-hour. This particular one was an ever-changing sunrise, so much so, that I'm going to share the pics in two parts. No filters were added. These are straight from the camera.*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Blue Skies and Blue Flowers ***************************My...
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Friday, September 25, 2020

Ashen and Met By Midnight Blog Tour

2 Unique Cinderella Retellings!Ashenby H.L. Burke Book Description:Stealer of warmth, bringer of death. What if Cinderella had a secret that kept her locked away?Unable to make her own body heat, foundling Lizbete survives in the tavern kitchen, drawing warmth from the fires, the sun—and sometimes, other living beings. Her days are spent cooking alongside the tavern owner and avoiding the suspicious gazes of the villagers in her small northern town. While she quietly longs for the handsome Brynar, she knows she has no chance with the...
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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Pippin Pals are Hero Helpers! Author Interview

Pippin Pals are Hero Helpers! Author InterviewAuthor Interview:Donna Marie Meet the wonderful lady behindPippin Pals are Hero Helpers! 1. When do you find time to read and what do you usually like to read?You know, that’s the most frustrating thing about my life now, more than ever. I very rarely allow time to read fiction during the day unless it’s my Barnes & Noble stint to catch up on picture books and that’s when I’ll sit in the café and read at least a couple dozen. My days are too full doing so many other things, so I’d...
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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Pippin Pals are Hero Helpers!

Pippin Pals are Hero Helpers!The Covid-19 pandemic has flipped the world on its head and adjusting our lifestyles has been challenging, to say the least, especially for kids. It has also made clear who we should consider true Heroes — those who sacrifice their own safety for the sake of others. The Pippin Pals are Hero Helpers! story highlights these hard pandemic-related issues, “softened” through rhyme, and encompasses the pandemic experience through a child’s eyes, validating their feelings in a tangible way.To offer a more personalized...
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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

2 Sunrises and a Linky

I've been saving the best sunrise photos over the past couple of months. Today I'm sharing 2 of them. Each sunrise is so different and sometimes there isn't any color at all to see. Be sure to visit my post with all the beautiful wildflowers we have blooming at the moment! The link is below under 1camera1mom.*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Wildflowers in the Breede Valley ***************************My Latest Book Reviews: Princesses Don't Have Sticky Hair Of Thorns and Beauty ...
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