Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween and a Linky

I chose today's photos because the colors are on the orange spectrum and orange reminds me of Halloween. The two flower photos were taken at home on the balcony. The other four photos were taken at a church bazaar this past Saturday. I'm posting this early to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. Whether you celebrate it or not, I wish you a great day and week ahead!

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Click on the photos to see them at their best!


Here's a peek at
my latest post
on 1camera1mom:


My Latest Book Review:

Mending Fences (Destined for Love: Mansions) by [Grace, Lorin]


Welcome to "The Real Wordless
Wednesday" Link-Up! Hosted
by Grapefruit Princess Reloaded

I am co-hosting this link-up.

Hello and welcome to the "Real Wordless Wednesday" Link Up!

Rules? No rules :)

Link up and have fun!

It would be really cool though, if you go and visit as many linked up blogs as possible and leave a nice comment! Networking, ladies and gents!

Now have fun linking up and have a great Wednesday!

The Real Wordless Wednesday

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

I would love for you to follow me on
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Visit my Blog Hops page to see the hops that I often link up to.


  1. The flowers look gorgeous! Great collection. Happy to join the link today.

  2. Lovely flowers. Iam glad to join #WordlessWednesday this week.

  3. Hi Christine, sorry Im running behind, I am really sick, so not functioning well. Strep
    I do like the unusual plants!!
    Thanks for hosting!
    Have a great week!

  4. Voyager Estate (a winery in WA) looks exactly, and I mean EXACTLY like the Cape Dutch home...


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