Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Cookies - Gingerbread and Stars

Merry Christmas to my online community! I won't be posting my Picture Perfect Party Linky and my Make My Saturday Sweet blog hops this week. As I type this message, I'm not even at home. I'm working from my mother-in-laws computer. So, you'll get to see what we've been up to once we're back home. I wish everyone a peaceful and joyful Christmas! Many ladies are in a cookie baking frenzy this time of year. Even I got in on the action. I was having a cookie craving and so I tried different recipes for the fun of it. Since I didn’t...
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Friday, December 21, 2012

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #20

Paper Candy Cane Activity I got this paper candy cane activity idea from Julie at Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk. Her pictures are really sweet and she used red and green pipe cleaners instead. I used what I had on hand, which was red and green paper. This is a really easy activity for small children. I cut white candy canes out of paper, glued them on a green cardboard, then cut small strips of red and green paper for decorating. All Amanda had to do was to create patterns with her strips of paper on the white candy canes....
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Picture Perfect Party Linky #21

Christmas in BethlehemThis is our three-dimensional nativity scene and advent calendar.My mother-in-law gave it to us several years ago and it still looksbeautiful. I love all the details and whimsical characters.It's published by the Standard Publishing Companyin Cincinnati, Ohio. These are some of my German Christmas decorations.Only the bells are not. Amanda picked out the bellsthis holiday season and decorated the tree with hersister, Samantha. This is Samantha's kitten, Tabitha. As you can see,she's getting bigger....
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Day of Silence and a Poem by Cameo Smith

Our prayers go out to those affected by the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. If you want to mail sympathy cards or letters to the school, the school address is: Sandy Hook Elementary School 12 Dickenson Drive Sandy Hook, CT 06482 A Poem for Sandy Hook Elementary by Cameo Smith Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38 When 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate. Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air. They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there. They were filled...
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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Inspirational Quotes on Being Friendly

Amanda received an award at the end of this school year from her playgroup teacher for always being friendly. I believe this award describes Amanda perfectly. She loves all children and plays with boys and girls equally. She is friendly almost all the time, both in her behavior and in her speech. I highly recommend you read a post I once wrote titled, "Learning Good Behavior from a 4-Year-Old." After school, Amanda likes to hang out with her friends. In this picture, the boys are playing with Amanda's My Little Ponies. The...
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Friday, December 14, 2012

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #19

Samantha, Amanda and Jessica I took this photo of my three girls all wearing pretty dresses for their brother's 16th birthday, which we celebrated at a nice restaurant. For some reason, I keep posting pictures of Jessica wearing this pink and black striped dress. In case you were wondering, it's not her only dress. Also, Samantha looks taller than Jessica only because she's wearing extra high wedged sandals. If you're wondering what my son looks like, I did a post with lots of cute photos of him, which you can see here on, "Inspirational...
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