Samantha, Amanda and Jessica |
I took this photo of my three girls all wearing pretty dresses for their brother's 16th birthday, which we celebrated at a nice restaurant. For some reason, I keep posting pictures of Jessica wearing this pink and black striped dress. In case you were wondering, it's not her only dress. Also, Samantha looks taller than Jessica only because she's wearing extra high wedged sandals. If you're wondering what my son looks like, I did a post with lots of cute photos of him, which you can see here on, "Inspirational Quotes on Sons."
Now on to the blog hop...

It's time for another Make My Saturday Sweet (M.M.S.S.) blog hop!
Join me (your host) for this fun and easy hop.
All family friendly blogs are welcome!
If you host your own blog hop(s), then feel free to link them on my Blog Hops page!
Also, I'm looking for bloggers who would like to be guest co-hosts
on my Wednesday hop and on my Saturday hop.
If you're interested, then please send an email to:
I would love for you to follow me on Google Friend Connect
and also on
Tell me how you are following me and I will follow back!
Here are the easy rules:
- Follow Tina (your host) @ Amanda's Books and More. If you're following me for the first time, leave a comment letting me know which way you're following me and I'll be sure to follow back.
- Link up your family friendly blog, Facebook page, Twitter, etc. Be sure to indicate which one it is in the name.
- Grab the button below and add it to your most recent post or on your side-bar.
- Share about this hop on Twitter, Google+ or Facebook.
- Follow at least three new blogs and tell them you found them through this hop. And, they should follow back.