Paper Candy Cane Activity
This is a really easy activity for small children. I cut white candy canes out of paper, glued them on a green cardboard, then cut small strips of red and green paper for decorating. All Amanda had to do was to create patterns with her strips of paper on the white candy canes. She wanted someone to play with her, so I decorated one of the candy canes too. She had a lot of fun and played with the left-over strips of paper with her plastic kitchen dishes.
I also printed some fun free Christmas printables from Julie too. Amanda enjoyed them very much.
Christmas Tree Game
I printed this sweet game for free from Allyson at All Our Days. I don't plan to keep it forever, so I used normal paper and only printed the game pieces on cardboard. I didn't have white (which is what Allyson recommended), so I used yellow instead and was very happy with how well it worked.
This was the first time that I played a game with Amanda where you are on the same team. If you win, you win together. If you lose, you lose together. It certainly stops all the whining, fighting, and crying when the one child loses and the other wins. Of course, children need to learn about having the right attitude when they win or lose, but it's certainly nice as a mom to have a break from being the coach, teacher, referee and counselor.
There is a naughty kitty in the game, which is hilarious for me, because we have recently added a kitten to our family. If you spin and land on the kitty, it knocks an ornament off of the tree. You win when all the ornaments are on the tree once you've reached the finish line.
Amanda loves the game and has played it with me, her sisters and her friend, Sarai. It was easy enough that she could explain the rules to the others. I think this game was too easy. You win more often than you lose, but Amanda hasn't figured that out yet. She still gets excited with every win.
Now on to the blog hop...

It's time for another Make My Saturday Sweet (M.M.S.S.) blog hop!
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- Follow Tina (your host) @ Amanda's Books and More. If you're following me for the first time, leave a comment letting me know which way you're following me and I'll be sure to follow back.
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