Amanda received an award at the end of this school year from her playgroup teacher for always being friendly. I believe this award describes Amanda perfectly. She loves all children and plays with boys and girls equally.
She is friendly almost all the time, both in her behavior and in her speech. I highly recommend you read a post I once wrote titled, "Learning Good Behavior from a 4-Year-Old."
After school, Amanda likes to hang out with her friends.
In this picture, the boys are playing with Amanda's
My Little Ponies. The sun was hurting her eyes,
that's why she's not looking at the camera.
The other day I told her that I hate fish-moths. Whenever I see one in the house, I kill it. She responded that we are supposed to love everyone. She then proceeded to tell me that she loves everyone in our town and all the animals. She listed dogs and cats and a few others and then added, "Even sharks."
On a recent walk with our dog, Benny, Amanda saw a pair of Golden Retrievers in their front yard. She said loudly, "Hello! Nice to meet you!" and then waved to them.
I wanted to share these photos of Amanda with you and celebrate the virtues of friendliness and kindness. There are also three photos with quotes on being friendly, which you are more than welcome to pin on your Pinterest boards. I have a "Pin it" button on my right-hand sidebar to make it easy for you.
Also, at this time, our prayers go out to those affected by the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Amanda is nearly the same age as the kids who were killed. I'm sure those children brought as much joy to their families as Amanda has to ours.
I'm linking up with these Monday blog hops: