Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Picture Perfect Party Linky #14

Today we added a new member to the family. Her name is Tabitha, meaning "one of gentle grace." Samantha chose her and named her. It all started yesterday when, on the spur of the moment, Hubby decided to visit the animal shelter to pick out a kitty with Samantha. I thought they were having a father-daughter chat over McDonalds' milkshakes. Once they got back, though, they told me not to look surprised, because the lady from the SPCA was arriving right behind them to inspect our home for the new arrival. I was quite surprised, but I...
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Friday, October 26, 2012

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #12

Welcome to another great Make My Saturday Sweet blog hop! There is no theme to this hop. Simply link your family friendly blog below and follow the easy rules. Thanks! Here are three more photos taken at Samantha's 12th birthday party. I only post faces when I know that the parents don't mind, so sometimes I cut people out or only show a part of them. The first photo is of the birthday girl with her two friends that stayed the nightand who went ice-skating with us the following day. Don't the girls look lovely? The middle photo is...
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Picture Perfect Party Linky #13

I'm in the middle of an exciting series on my hobby blog, 1camera1mom. I invite you to see more great photos of these amazing arum lilies / calla lilies on my post, Wild Flower Time in South Africa - 5. Linking with: Now on to my blog hop... Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or without words) or any picture post at this Picture Perfect Party Linky (P.P.P.L.)! Come join me (Tina @ Amanda's Books and More) on this fun and easy blog hop! If you are already following me with Google Friend Connect,...
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Friday, October 19, 2012

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #11

The Make My Saturday Sweet blog hop is a hop for all family friendly blogs. There isn't a theme, so you don't have to link a special post. Simply link your blog's homepage and add the name of your blog to the linky below. If you've been following my blog, then you would know that we recently celebrated Samantha's 12th birthday. I thought I'd share some photos and tell you a bit about the party. Hubby gave Samantha permission to invite all her friends, so there were almost 30 kids at our house. Thankfully, he also helped with a lot...
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Picture Perfect Party Linky #12

One of the ways we celebrated Samantha's 12th birthday was to take her and her two friends ice skating at the Grand West in Cape Town. I think I was just as excited about going as Sammy was. In fact, we all were. It was the first time for the three sisters. Jeremiah went once before and that was back when he was in preschool. Now on to the blog hop... Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or without words) or any picture post at this Picture Perfect Party Linky (P.P.P.L.)! Come join me (Tina @...
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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #10

I've been crazy busy these past few days. As some of you already know, my daughter, Samantha, turned 12 on Tuesday. Last night was her party and we have never heard so much screaming by so many kids in our lives. There were close to 30 kids, boys and girls. I'll post pictures and tell you more later. Now we're off on another adventure with Samantha and two of her best friends who also slept over. It's time for another Make My Saturday Sweet (M.M.S.S.) blog hop! Join Tina (your host) for this fun and easy hop. All family friendly blogs...
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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Picture Perfect Party Linky #11

Samantha's 12th Birthday Samantha turned 12 today. In South Africa, the children have to wear uniforms to school. At her school, they get to wear civvies when it's their birthday. Yesterday I took her shopping, so that she could spend her birthday money on a new outfit and a couple of PC games. This is one of the photos I took of her this morning before school. She's getting all grown up and we're very proud of her. The kids wearing their uniforms at Samantha's school Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday (with...
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