Amanda's kitten, Sheela, is now 6 months old.
We had her spaded a few days ago. Samantha's
kitten, Prince, loves to rough and tumble
with Sheela. I was worried that he wouldn't
be careful with her after her operation, but
animals have a special ability at knowing and
for several days he remained docile around her.
I was so impressed with him. Now the tumbling
has begun again.
I have been trying to catch up on comments that I have missed
on my blog posts. I went as far back as 9 weeks ago. I didn't
realize that I had comments waiting in my moderation folder.
I'm not sure if IntenseDebate used to let me know when a
comment was awaiting moderation, but lately I have seen
their messages to me about this. So, I hope that I don't
make this mistake again.
I put a post together on Sunday called, "Which Comment
System is Best for Your Blog," after experiencing a
hiccup on my 20$ Gift Voucher Giveaway post.
I have decided to stick with IntenseDebate,
for now, as I'm usually happy with my comment
system. I've also explained on that post why
I won't be switching to the new Google+ comment system.
Today I chose the winner for CafePress' $20 Gift Voucher!
The winner is Gale L.
P.S. I've just added photos on 1camera1mom
of Simon's Town, Kalk Bay and a Squatter Camp...
Check it out!
Now on to my blog hop...

Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday
(with or without words) or any picture post
at this Picture Perfect Party Linky.
Come join me on this fun and easy blog hop!
I would love for you to follow me on
Leave me a comment with a link and I will follow back!
Here are the easy rules:
- Follow me. Please leave a comment so that I can follow back (as long as your blog is family friendly).
- Link-up your post with a picture and follow as many new blogs as you like.
- Grab the button below and add it on your post or side-bar.
- Tell others about this hop on Twitter, Google+ or Facebook.
The Button Code:
This is a Wordless Wednesday blog hop.