3 Things Amanda Did for the First Time
Last Saturday was a day of firsts for Amanda. I'm so glad that I have pictures to share of her first time experiences.
1. Her dad taught her how to play snap. He took out some of the cards to make the game simpler for her.
2. Then her brother taught her how to play chess. He began with only the pawns on the board. When they reached the other side, he'd add a new piece like the queen. Every once in a while, I'd hear him say something like, "You can't move there because I could take your queen." I'm not sure how much she understood, but she loved that her brother was spending time with her.
3. A little bit later, her dad went with Amanda and me to the mall. He had to meet someone there while we ran a few fun errands. Once we had the things we needed, I bought Amanda and myself both a dipped soft-serve ice-cream. I was impressed that she managed to finish her first dipped cone, which was larger than the plain vanilla soft-serves we normally buy.
Now, on to the blog hop...

Welcome all of you wonderful bloggers to Tina and Tricia's blog hop, Make My Saturday Sweet (M.M.S.S.)! I hope that here we will all make new friends and find new followers and have fun doing it!
Here are our easy rules:
- Follow me (Tina), your host and Tricia, your co-host (links 1 and 2). If you leave a comment and your URL, we'll be sure to follow back as long as you have a family friendly blog.
- Grab the button below and add it to your most recent post or on your side-bar.
- Follow at least three new blogs and tell them you found them through this hop. Hopefully, they will follow back!