Amanda Says the Funniest Things
Daddy drops the kids off at school in the mornings. Amanda is always last, because she’s not big enough to jump out of the car and go inside on her own like her brother and sisters. After dropping off the eldest siblings at the high school, he asked her, “Are you going to go to this school one day?”She asked, “How old is Jeremiah and Jessica?”
Daddy replied, “Jessica is 13 (she’s 14, but he forgot) and Jeremiah is 15.”
She thought for a moment and, taking her daddy by surprise, she said, “Actually… 15 is not a lot.” Then, to demonstrate what she meant, she proceeded to count out loud, “1, 2, 3…” to 15.
Thursday, I brought Amanda home with a little friend from school. I normally ask her to wash her hands, but a couple of times now she’s done it without me even asking. Before I gave the usual reminder, she told her friend, “We have to wash hands, ‘cause Adam and Eve ate the wrong apple.”
I wondered where she had gotten that from, until Hubby filled me in on a conversation that he had had earlier with her. She had asked him why we must wash hands all the time. Daddy told her that it was because Adam and Eve had eaten the wrong fruit.
When I brought her home from school on Friday, she asked, “Who sprinkled on our car?” Sometimes I give the shortest answers, because I can’t be bothered, so I replied, “God did.” And then, not wanting her to think that God was misbehaving, I added, “With the rain.”
Amanda adores her big brother. The other day she said, “When you grow up, can I be your daughter, so I’m not all alone.”
You can easily see why she’s the star of this blog.
Now, on to the blog hop...

It's time for another Make My Saturday Sweet (M.M.S.S.) blog hop! Join Tina (your host) and Tricia (your co-host) for this fun and easy hop. All family friendly blogs are welcome!
Here are our easy rules:
- Follow me (Tina) and Tricia on links 1 and 2. If you leave a comment and your URL, we'll be sure to follow back.
- Link up your family friendly blog.
- Grab the button below and add it to your most recent post or on your side-bar.
- Share about this hop on Twitter, Google+ or Facebook.
- Follow at least three new blogs and tell them you found them through this hop. And, they should follow back!