Saturday, September 29, 2012

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #8

Amanda Says the Funniest ThingsDaddy drops the kids off at school in the mornings. Amanda is always last, because she’s not big enough to jump out of the car and go inside on her own like her brother and sisters. After dropping off the eldest siblings at the high school, he asked her, “Are you going to go to this school one day?” She asked, “How old is Jeremiah and Jessica?” Daddy replied, “Jessica is 13 (she’s 14, but he forgot) and Jeremiah is 15.” She thought for a moment and, taking her daddy by surprise, she said, “Actually…...
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Picture Perfect Party Linky #9

Amanda at the Local Library She put on her own eye-shadow (it's a little messy) and she's wearing sticker earrings. Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or without words) or any picture post at the all new Picture Perfect Party Linky (P.P.P.L.)! Come and join me (Tina), your host, and Tricia, your co-host, every Wednesday and make new friends and find new followers at this fun blog hop! Here are our easy rules: Follow Tina and Tricia on links 1 and 2. Please leave a comment with your blog URL so...
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Monday, September 24, 2012

Inspirational Quotes on Joyful Poetry

Today I have 3 more images with inspirational quotes written by me. The photos were also taken by me earlier this year of flowers from my garden. If you enjoy my photography, then you might like to follow my hobby blog 1camera1mom. Many of my posts explain how to edit your photos for free. Below each of today's image, I've added a link to the original poem where this quote was inspired from. I also have a "Pin It" button on my right-hand side bar. I would be thrilled for you to pin any of these to your Pinterest board. If you enjoy my...
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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #7

Hubby was given a South African Heart Foundation cook book at the grocery store a couple of weeks ago. It’s a paperback called Cooking from the Heart. Yesterday, just before the kids got home from school, he noticed a scone (biscuit) recipe and decided to try it. Now, he has helped me in the kitchen before, but I never saw him wanting to bake on his own and we’ve been married for seventeen years. So, it came as quite a surprise to me when he decided that he wanted to try the recipe and pulled it off like a pro! I was showering and...
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Picture Perfect Party Linky #8

Country Drive This is a picture of snow capped mountains and pink blossoms on plumb trees. I took it with my little camera while we were driving back from our outing to the Calabash restaurant. We are having spring here while those in the northern hemisphere have autumn. Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or without words) or any picture post at the all new Picture Perfect Party Linky (P.P.P.L.)! Come and join me (Tina), your host, and Tricia, your co-host, every Wednesday and make new friends and find...
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Old and New Disney Books of Fairy Tales

Disney Nursery Rhymes & Fairy Tales and Walt Disney’s Giant Book of Fairy Tales When I was young, books were not a big part of my life, perhaps because I first learned to read in German. I only learned to read in my first language of English when I was in 4th grade, but only very poorly. In 5th grade the spelling of English words began to make sense. By the time I was in 6th grade, I loved reading. Walt Disney’s Giant Book of Fairy Tales My kids have grown up with books. They all love to read. I consider myself very...
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Monday, September 17, 2012

Inspirational Quotes on Family

I’m being featured today on Create With Joy from my last week’s inspirational post on the topic of “Living Your Dream.” Today I have 3 more images with inspirational quotes written by me. The photos are also from me and they are of my kids. Below each image, I've added a link to the original post that I wrote. I also have a "Pin It" button on my right-hand side bar. I would be thrilled for you to pin any of these to your Pinterest board. To learn more about God's kingdom principles, read Working Moms - Part 2. To learn more about...
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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #6

Amanda and I love going on outings. Recently, the weather was really nice and so we decided to try a nearby pizza place that I had heard of more than a year ago. I didn’t even know the restaurant’s name, only that we had to turn left at a T-junction and it was just a little bit further on. Thankfully we saw the sign, because it was really weather-beaten and easy to miss. The sign said, "Calabash." Once we looked around, it was easy to see how the restaurant got its name, because there were bunches of calabashes hanging from the outside...
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Picture Perfect Party Linky #7

I've been having trouble with my linky! If it doesn't work from my blog, then hop on over to Today with the Tennerys and link up there. I don't want anyone to miss out! Last Saturday, I shared about Amanda's day of first time experiences. I posted three pictures and this one of her playing chess was an extra one and didn't make it into that post. I thought it was really cute, so I'm sharing it with you today for my (not-so) Wordless Wednesday. I also created my new header today for Amanda's Books and More. I thought it turned...
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Monday, September 10, 2012

Inspirational Quotes on Living Your Dream

Here are 3 images with inspirational quotes written by me. The photos are also from me and they are of my kids. Below each image, I've added a link to the original post that I wrote. I also have a "Pin It" button on my right-hand side bar. I would be thrilled for you to pin any of these to your Pinterest board. I hope you will be inspired to continue pursuing your dreams and to encourage others to pursue theirs. This is Amanda when she was a baby.To learn more about your natural and supernatural potential,go to Discovering Your...
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